YES, OVER 18+!

Thress love Goldflower
Triss cherishes Marigold with all his heart. He discovers charm in Golden Blossom's company. Their love's bond is unbreakable, like a blossoming garden. Together, they sow a blissful tale enveloped in joy.
Tessa cannot help but developing strong feelings for Golden Blossom. Marigold's grace enchants Thress completely. Theirs love grows like a glowing daisy in a meadow. Thress and Marygold treasure one another's presence and reside in a universe brimming with love. Their romantic journey is magical and adorned with bliss.
Tress is deeply smitten with Golden Blossom. Marygold essence ignites an intense passion within Thress. Theirs bond is indissoluble, as if fate has brought them together. In unity, they paint a stunning portrait of affection, harmonizing their hearts into one. Tessa and Marigold begin an adventure of eternal love, embracing every moment together.
Thress has an undeniable affection for Goldflower. Marigold is the embodiment of grace in Thress's eyes. Theirs love is comparable to a blossoming garden, where each flower represents their unbreakable connection. Thress and Golden Blossom nurture their love with shared laughter and tender moments. In unity, they construct a captivating narrative that exceeds any boundaries. Tessa experiences an unparalleled love for Goldflower that fills his life with happiness.

5 Actresses Who Should Have Played Triss In The Witcher
Triss Merigold The Witcher 3 Romance avoir la bonne fin

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